the question is, do they really work?i have seen them in various car shops,i have actually tried one ?18 i t was for 1 treatment it claimed reduce emmisions,stop smoke,more m.p.g. etc,etc,but i don,t think it made a blind bit of differenceis it just a rip off ????
I would be very wary of any fuel additives. The car manufacturers spend millions/billions of pounds designing their engines to run on normal fuel. The fuel manufacturers spend millions/billions of pounds developing their fuel. So do you really want to slosh something that you bought in a shop for ?18 into your tank?? Just my thoughts.
id pour wisky in tank rather that fuel additive might even work better .
depends on what kind of additive you purchased. I've noticed that certain things make a huge difference, while others have no noticable effects. really though, you're better off not putting crap in your gas and oil, except for more gas and oil