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What are some economical alternatives to freeze dried food?

This is to bring along on a canoe trip in CanadaWe are feeding 6 people.


CrunchesCardiovascualWorks everytime.
peanut butter and bagels are always a camping staple for meThey taste good, are filling, and are portableOtherwise, canned food is good because you can just sit the can into the fire, potatoes in aluminum foilYou could take just about anything you wanted as long as you have the room for cookware, etc in a canoe.
dont eat much, drink alot of water and run your butt off everydayyour body will feed off of water and bodyfat for energy.thats only a quick fix for loosing weight though, it doesnt result in any permanant weight loss.
Cardio and eating a calorie deficit, but i don't think in 10 days you will lose more than 3lbs, unless you go on a ridiculous fad diet.
started this Diet (lifestyle change) in the middle of November at 140lbs, and now at 119lbs A DIET IS WHAT YOU EAT.there for we are all on a dietTHINK LIFESTYLE CHANGE You got the change the way you think and feel about food TRY THIS, and stick to itThe first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the changeResults will be in about the same time Fruits and Veggies Eat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plantsDon't eat anything that comes in a can, box or package.THEY HAVE ADDITIVES IN THEM THAT MAKE YOU ADDICTED TO THE FOODIf man made it, don't eat it NO white BREAD or SUGAR NO FRIED FOODStay away from FAST FOOD Walk your dog, or walk a friends dog Don't think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle change I have lost 25.5 pounds in 2 months, drink lots of waterI usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week ntrolled portion.this really worksWrite down every thing you eat Take a multi vitamin at night

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