While updating the parents basement we needed to replace a very very old 3 way switch. However, the wiring to the Fluorescents seems extreme to me. Here is how i can describle the layout. Panel - junction box - double splice (one to light fixture and one to threeway switch below it)-. From that threeway switch 12-3 wiring to upstairs landing with other threeway switch resides. How should I make my connections to switches? If the other swtiches were not so old I would just copy them.
John has described the three way circuit for you. Your description matches his description. Good paradigm for amateur fiddlers with wiring: If it works, don't try to fix it.
This article will describe it better than I could, and it has pictures! ... It sounds like your situation is the same as the second method. Bert
Hi its looks as if you bought the wrong switch,if it fits try connecting the black to black,and white to white,tape off the red it should work,if not black to black and red to white,you cant blow anything but it may run without switching on,just be careful and turn of fan fuse switch at mains All the best John UK I now see your extra Information ,your fan will not work unless you connect the supply to your fan is connected,you need a permanent supply [live] and a switched supply [live] and a neutral all three cables go into timer and out of timer two connections to the black and white cables.the timer SWITCH should be marked L--N--S L =live incoming N =neutral S =switched live,---S=White N=black I hope that's this is enough Information John UK
A hot wire from the panel to the first three way switch on the common screw. Two runner wires between the two switches on the other two screws. A wire from the common screw on the second switch to the hot wire on the light fixtures. A neutral wire to the light fixtures from the panel. Look at Bert's pictures.