I heard that titanium isn't the most hypoallergenic metal because it is treated and the chemicals can cause an allergic reaction. I also heard that surgical steel is the best because it is what is used in surgery and in hip replacement implants etc. Is this correct?I've always heard that titanium is best, but now I'm curious because surgical steel is much cheaper than titanium which can be expensive.Thanks
There is a lot of debate in the piercing community about guns vs. needles. In my opinion, needle piercing from a reputable piercing shop is the best choice. This is because guns can harbor a lot of bacteria, especially if they are used on more than one person which they often are. Yes, guns are fast and efficient, but they can be unsafe at times. My first lobe holes were done with a gun. I cried forever because it burned so bad...even after days. They lady was so impersonal, and they used sterling silver which I found out that day I was allergic to. My other 4 holes are were done with a needle. I had trouble healing them because I used sterling silver (my stupid fault), but besides the allergy, they healed beautifully and were virtually pain free. I would recommend getting them pierced at an actual shop, not the mall. If I were you, I would chose niobium metal or titanium to avoid any type of allergy that could happen. Choose studs and not rings because they are easier to heal. Good luck!
Implant grade titanium is much better than surgical steel. The nickel content in it (which is what alot of people are allergic to) is virtually non-existant. Though most people with a nickel allergy are fine with surgical steel too, its too small for most people to react to. But the odd few people do. Its the same with everything. Good surgical steel is probably better than cheap titanium. But implant grade ti will beat it hands down. And ti is alot stronger, and is also used in surgical impants and as replacement bits too. But a big lump of titanium hip is going to be expensive. If you're not allergic to steel, theres little reason for the extra cost, especially if it's likely to outlive you. Niobium has no nickel in at all. But that really is expensive, and I've never seen any threaded. Any particular reason why you ask? ----- Piercing-wise titanium will be better than steel. Unless they carry some not so great ti. You should be fine with steel though.