My home is the developer himself installed boiler heating, the developer to the unified pavement to warm, my family is the first year of the new building, home water and backwater are not hot! I am five units from the boiler room farthest unit, developers say 15 floor is the following from the bottom of the water, 16-30 floor is from the water down, each floor a total of 6 households, I live on the 5th, 1 , 2,3,6 are no problem, only our home and No. 4 problem, we and 6 is a pipeline, 6 home 22 degrees, water meter room is the main road is warm, into the home of the 6th pipe is Hot, and 4,5 into the home of the pipeline is cool, but also do not feel the sound of water? The property fiddle for a week and there is no good bowel flat section of the strong light hold the dog platinum, how is it? More
The gas valve to get off the gas to see if the valve is open
Agree with the views of the S-Jun always, first check the pipeline, the valve is smooth, if no problem to put a breath. To warm the heat in addition to blocking the gas is blocked, no other problems.
If the pipeline did not leak, the valve did not necrosis, the release of gas, may be biting up.