Have a Toyota RAV4. About 156, 000 miles on it.Yesterday as I started driving, there was a sound coming from underthe hood that sounded similar to a stick in bicycle spokes. Got to theend of the block and stopped and noticed there was smoke comingfrom below the belts.Got back to the house and the temp was up really high. No fluid.Added fluid and water and it was leaking, but not from the radiatoritself, but from towards the back of the engine?Might this be the water pump?
yes..very well maybe waterpump. i sugest you check,and change pump,timing belt,belt tensioner and idler as well..
My dad and i were driving our mitsubishi eclipse and then we stoped a parking space to go to the store al of the sudden something popped and it stared smoking and a bunch of water came out yes it was the water pump we got a new one and it started working fine try that.
Nope, could be a bad heater hose that burst. Could be an engine gasket but it will be more issues. I am more inclined if is like you described towards the back of the engine, is the water hose for the heater or the valve that controls the flow.