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translate plz? (spanish -> english)?

hoy medijo el doct q merecomendava un papasito asi q lo ando buscundo silo ven avisenme va


Today my doctor recommend me a daddy so I'm looking for one if you see him tell me
The doctor told me today I need a papasito( hot/cute guy) so im looking for him if u see him let me know
Today, I told the doctor recommended a papasito q so it let me know I'm going see Buscundo Silo.
Today medijo the doct q q merecomendava a papasito so it let me know I'm going see buscundo silo
Today, the doctor told me that he recommended me a papasito (good looking guy), so i'm looking for him, if you see him, let me know ok btw the grammar is extremely terrible

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