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trianco boiler 28/32 will not heat radiators?

Just fitted a trianco boiler, boiler fires, but no heat in radiators or hot water.


Sound like a silly question but have you filled the system with water.?Have you vented it off completely? Do any of the pipes coming from the boiler get warm/hot?Is it fully pumped and is the pump running? EDITProbably a continuation of the first problem. Vent off any air at the hot water cylinder.
like pipe strangler said don't forget the simple things. if you just installed the system is the valve on to supply water to the boiler? Did you wire the pump right I E is it running the right way if you wired it backwards there is no way it is going to pump water. also did you install the pump facing the right way is the arrow showing flow pointing away from the boiler and out to the system?

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