My brother bought a trumpet last month, and I've been trying it out but the first and second valves keep sticking. We've tried valve oil, but it isn't working. Any tips?
have you tried washing it out? ive played instruments i was going to suggest valve oil first but if that didnt work theres a good chance it needs cleaned inside and out and then oiled.
My trumpet does that a lot, so i rub it w/ a paper towel, loll blue juice valve oil is the best.
Remove the valves entirely and wipe them down with a damp cloth and clean out the valve housings of the trumpet. Then apply a generous amount of oil to the valve itself before putting it back into the instrument. If the problem persists check the valve casings for dents. If cleaning it doesn't work or there are dents, take it to a local music store and see what they can do. It shouldn't cost more than $20 unless there is a serious problem with the instrument.