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Types of coal mineralization

Types of coal mineralization


Mineral resources refers to after geological mineralization formed the natural occurrence in the internal or surface crust is buried in the ground or exposed to the surface, a solid, liquid or gaseous, and has the development and utilization of the mineral aggregate value or useful elements. Mineral resources belong to non renewable resources, and their reserves are limited. At present, there are more than 160 kinds of minerals known in the world, of which more than 80 are widely used. According to their characteristics and uses, usually divided into four categories: energy, minerals 11; metal minerals 59; non-metallic mineral 92; water and mineral 6. There are 168 kinds of minerals.
Coal is a solid combustible mineral formed by ancient plants buried in the ground and undergoing complex biochemical and physical and chemical changes. Is a solid combustible organic rock, mainly by the remains of plants after biochemical action, buried, and then changed by geological processes, commonly known as coal. Coal is praised as "black gold" and "food for industry". It is one of the main energy resources used in the human world since eighteenth Century.
Ore is a mineral aggregate that is extracted from an ore body to extract useful components (elements, compounds, or minerals). Ore is formed in a variety of geological mineralization, different geological mineralization of ore formation has different characteristics. In modern technological and economic conditions, metals and other products can be extracted from minerals in an industrial scale. The original refers to solid material mined from metal deposits, has been extended to after the formation of accumulation in the parent rocks of sulfur, fluorite and barite, non metallic minerals.

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