Upstairs children rely on the side of the stairs? Downstairs by the side of the children?
Upstairs children rely on the right side of the stairs, downstairs children rely on the left side of the stairs to go.
This netizen, hello This is the first time in the class of teaching classes inside the classroom. For this question, not only children are not easy to understand, including parents understand that friends have different views, and even math teachers are controversial. Just this year I teach the first grade (people version), on this question, I personally understand is: downstairs children rely on the left side of the stairs, upstairs children rely on the right side of the stairs to go.
The second should be no doubt the right. Because the first question two questions are asked in the direction of the stairs, and the left or right side of the stairs and depends on the observer's position, the observer is downstairs or upstairs, then according to the picture shows, it is clear, observation Is downstairs, that is, downstairs children are on our left, and upstairs children are on our right. So, the correct fill method should be: left, right, right.