I'm building a bike stand out of PVC pipe and I'm using CPVC cement... I've heard that you can use CPVC cement on both CPVC and PVC (since CPVC is harder to melt), but not PVC cement on CPVC pipe.Ideas?
I would rely on the manufacturer with this question, read the label or Googel Oatey and see if their web site doesn't say.
Go for it I have used either or both on the other to repair sprinkler systems just what ever I grab and I have never went back on a job
Your just fine using CPVC cement on PVC, especially on a bike stand. The only time it would make a diiference is when you are actually using it for water pressure. CPVC is used for water supply, under pressure, to your faucets and so on. It's formulated for drinking water where as PVC is not, either way, for what your doing, either cement would work...