for a big block chevy,best way to adjust valves and rockers
w/ one hand spinning the pushrod and the other tightening the rocker arm nut, tighten the nut until you can not spin the pushrod freely, then tighten it three quarters of a turn more. do this to all of the rocker arms that do not have pressure against the valves, then spin the motor 180 degrees, or until the rest do not have pressure against them, and do the same thing.
The running method is a good way to set the valves but you can set them with the engine not running to turn the motor to top dead center the rockers that have got the valves closed you loosen the rocker and spin the push rod kept spinning the push rod and tighten the rocker till you fell a slight resistance on the push rod or it do's not spin freely turn motor over 180 and do the rest this is setting every thing at 0 lash and you will not blow oil all over your engine bay they do make rocker oil stoppers but not had any luck with them. a lot of time ween you set the valves with the motor running and if not done it before you will set them to tight but ether method is a good one. good luck
ok, take the valve covers off and start your car(let it idle)take the first 1 and loosen it until it starts to tick,then tighten it,until it stops and then give it another 1/2 to 3/4 turns more and do the rest the same old time mechanic told me that way,and it works too.