I experience a quiet ride on a kawasaki vulcan vn 2000 and clicking started at the end sounds like valves ticking sometine like 2 then 1
I think that bike has hydraulic lash adjusters, should be fairly quiet. How many miles? If it has hydraulic, that is great, it reduces your maintenance to oil changes. First thing to do is have a dealer listen to it. Some bikes are just a little noisier than we would like. Does it have a windshield? This will reflect every sound right back at you. You will hear engine sounds that you would not hear without it.
Time to take it in for an adjustment.
Ticking is play in the vavle train there is something out of adjustment. What is out of adjustment and cost depends upon if the engine has overhead cams. Since this makes you uncomfortable keep looking. Let a mechanic buy this car. Otherwise you're going to loos a lot of sleep.
I'm not sure if your bike has solid lifters or hydraulic. Either way, when was the last time you changed the oil? I ask that because with my old KZ1000 and when using certain brands of oil, I would start hearing valve noise when the oil got hot after approximately 2,000 miles. I'd change oil and it would go away for a while. I won't say which name brand oils would start causing noise, but I will say that with Pennzoil and Castrol, I could go on a 3,000-5,000 mile road trip without having to change oil in the middle of the trip. If your bike has solid lifters, a certain amount of noise can be expected, although not an excessive amount. If the valve clearance is too great, that's not good for the valve train. The cam lobes have what's called clearance ramps which gradually take up the normal clearance before abruptly opening the valve. When there's too much clearance, the ramp never touches the rocker arm or bucket, but instead the lobe suddenly crashes into the lifter or bucket, slamming the valve open. Think of the difference between gently pushing the screen door open or suddenly kicking it open and you get the idea of what's happening.