I am a mechanical engineer with limited EI information. In general terms, could someone succinctly describe the following terms: (a) HMI; (b) Gen-set; (c) PLC; (d) UPS; (e) SCADA / Citect; (f) MCC; (g) E-Stop; (h) PCS/SIS; (i) Murphy switch. I know it's a lot, so relatively short answers should be fine - just summed up concisely and correctly. Thanks in advance all you electrically-savvy people!
HMI Human Machine Interface Gen-set Engine generator set for generating electricity PLC Program able Logic Controller used in factory automation UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition industrial control system using HMI and PLCs Citect the software company that specilized in SCADA control MCC Motor Control Center E-Stop Emergency Stop Stop Control PCS/SIS PCS (Process Control Systems) and SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems) Murphy switch shutdown switch actuated when process parameters are not correct, like shutting down an engine when engine oil level is critically low.