i bought a video card off OKorder and i did everything but i don't know if i connect both of the cables to the power supply...i currently only connected one but do i do both…
You should really connect both, that way its getting the power it needs...though I ran a card on just one for a while and it was fine.
you only need to connect one, the reason why there is 2 is because there is one with 4 pins and one with 4 sockets, its just incase you dont have a cable with 4 pins coming from your power supply to connect to the 4 sockets, but you have an extra lead with 4 sockets to connect to the other end of the cable.
I can't tell which ATI card that is, but if you mean that it gave you two 6 pin power connectors or something then yes, you really should plug in both since A) it's not good to give your video card less power than it wants, even if it works regardless and B) if you want to overclock at all then it's necessary. So yes, whatever power connectors are on the card should be plugged in with the corresponding power supply connectors..
If you don't have a six pin PCI-E connector, then chances are your power supply is not power enough for the card but if it is, you connect BOTH of the 4 pin connectors, no just 1
check the manual, if it requires 24v power then yes, use both. most new power supplies will come with a graphics card power connector already on them, use that if its available.