
Wanted: Silo?

I am looking for an old silo. I want a smaller one. I am guessing about 7-8 ft diam. Looking for one in my area also. I want to go get it with the truck! I have looking and the metal yarn, nothing! I have looked on line, all they have is big ones. I have looked at the weat house also, nothing. Any other ideas. I guess there is always auctions but I dont want to wait that long. Paper would take a while too! Ideas?


ask around the farms
What you`re looking is typically termed a bin. Silos are generally poured concrete or stacked concrete staves. Locating one?? The only thing that comes to mind is, find a restaurant frequented by farmers for their morning coffee and breakfast. Become a regular and get to know a few of them. Farmers have a very thick grapevine.

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