A pump parameter is the maximum flow per hour 960L, followed by the standard flow of 480 what do you mean?
According to my estimate, a pump has the best working point, then this standard flow I think should refer to the best working point, that is to say you want to flow 480l/h, choose this pump is best
The parameter standard of the pump factory is determined by its efficiency, that is, the efficiency of the pump is highest at that point. All parameters have two curves, that is, a flow curve and an efficiency curve. You can according to your standard flow, see how much the efficiency of the point, the maximum flow efficiency is how much will know.
Centrifugal pump, flow and head is an inverse relationship between the maximum flow, you said, lift the corresponding conveying pump is relatively low, the standard flow, the rated flow is designed and run in standard flow, pump efficiency is the highest, if more than the standard flow operation possible lead pump overcurrent heating, and a series of cavitation phenomena