I'm looking to build a fountain to dispense Wine. For which, I'll need a pump. I'm thinking submersible aquarium pump. I'm concerned about after tastes, and general safety of this venture. Can you drink water that's been run through an aquarium pump?Would alcohol be any different?Is there a better choice? What would it be?
It wouldn't be a good idea to use a water feature pump or aquarium pump due to the lubrication on the Impeller which can contaminate the wine and make it taste weird. Ofc, if you're going to use enough wine then a small water feature pump will work without changing the taste, either way it is safe enough to drink. Your best bet though would be (something like) a chocolate fountain, but without the heater. Edit: as strange as this may sound, another idea is to use an air pump with an air stone inside a peice of tubing. This is commonly known as a sponge filter, where the uplift from the air rising pushes the liquid up.
no dif they only thing is it will get more air which is a good thing for wine
Its is safe to drink water pushed though it...but i would still rinse it first....it just an impeller powered my a magnet...it should work for what you want but it needs to be small...i would think like 20 or 30 gallons per hour
the water pump has a small weep hollow on the backside the place it incredibly is going to leak small strains of coolant/water. it incredibly is a hallmark that the seal interior the pump is going undesirable. it may pass from a small leak to leaking like a cow pissing on a flat rock at every time. if this occurs the motor will overheat and you're able to finally end up caught on the edge of the line. the estimate sound genuine looking and does it incorporate the tax and each thing?
ok cordi is dumb they aquarium pumps are not lubricated because if they were it would contaminate the water in the aquarium corals can get stressed out about any little thing if they were lubed up then it would kill fish and stuff so it would not alter the taste at all. cool idea