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Watercolor of white liquid sprinkled on clothes how to wash off

White liquid is not diluted to be sprinkled is the main ingredient for the school of chemical fiber and so on! The


Watercolor pigments are granular dirt, do not dissolve in water, just evenly dispersed in water. The fabric has a strong color strength, the finer the particles, the more difficult to remove. 2, in the stains coated with laundry liquid, gently scrub, so that the washing liquid and stains more full contact; 3, and then in accordance with the general way with the laundry liquid (1), the same time, washing. 4, after the above method of washing, if there are any stains, can be used to remove the blue moon color drift collar collar method, the clothes will be put into the basin, stained parts of the pelvic floor, with the blue moon color drift cap 1/4 bottle cap (10g) color and 1/4 bottle cap (10g) Blue Moon collar net, pour it in stains, cover other stains with clothes. The If the stain disappears, rinse clean; if 2 hours after the stains, you can add the right amount of water wet the whole clothes, placed overnight.
You can first use gasoline or white vinegar to clean up, and then normal cleaning can be!
First of all to use hot water to dissolve the glue in the stain to remove, and then decolorization of detergent or fresh ammonia, and finally drift with water. White clothes can be decolored with hydrogen peroxide.

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