We are getting a engineered wood floor, does it hurt to put antique grandfather clock directly on floor.?
I don't think so can't think of any reason That it would
put some felt pads on the feet or base other wise it will not hurt it
a grandfather clock should be fine... use felt pads like everyone else said... be careful of very heavy items. I had a tenant put a very heavy antique organ on a floating hardwood floor... about 2 weeks later, there was a noticable bubble (about 4 high) in the floor about four feet infront of the organ... the weight of the organ was compressing the 1/8 foam under the floor and was putting a tremendous amount of stress on the flooring, which buckled the floor. The organ was moved, and it took about 6 weeks for the floor to relax back into shape.
Put felt on the bottom of the clock and all wood/heavy items that are on the new floor so that they will not scratch the wood