we just moved into our new house and noticed this tree and asked around but people thought it was a Key-Lime Tree and today we were picking off the deads ones and noticed that it looked more like lemon tree and now are really confused.
In terms of reactivity, normal glass is pretty much the same as borosilicate glass, so you can use it for storage. However, due to the different compositions, there may be some more leaching of cations (mainly sodium and potassium), but that happens in borosilicate glasses, too, and should not be very important except for trace analytics.
Soda-lime glass is fine for storing most chemicals. (The major exceptions are strong solutions of hydroxides (like NaOH and KOH) and hydrofluoric acid -- but you can't store HF in borosilicate glass either.) You are correct about borosilicate glass and thermal shock, so borosilicate glass is used mostly for lab equipment that's intended to be heated.