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Well water pump keep failing?

Home water well is artesian, to holding tank. I am needing to replace my pump yearly. Inside of the pump is rusted, this causing a real loud whining sound before failure. Pump motor isn't failing, the inside of the pump ends up freezing loosing the ability to spin.Any suggestions as to why?


that's a vague description of the pump. theres several types of pumps too. you need to either shield the pump, or move it to a different location, so its nots moist and damp all the time. drop a sand point down to the well, seal the well from the pump , or buy a different type. call a well service and ask them your options. good luck man! gee, that must get expensive.
Hi I was (now retired) in the pumping industry pumps for the kind of use you appear to be using them for were normally stainess steel or stainless steel and plastic. I would suggest you look at the Xylem ( a major supplier and installer of pumps) site. Regards John

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