What about polyester fiber and flannel? Is flannel made of polyester?
Polyester fiber is what we usually call "polyester."",Is a kind of refined by the petroleum chemical fiber fabric, polyester taffeta, polyester pongee, peach skin is common.
Flannel term foreign language, with a soft woolen fabrics and suede fabric,Polyester fiber synthetic fiber polyester (polyester fibre) by organic acid and diol which is prepared by spinning the. A large number of industrially produced polyester fibers are made from polyethylene terephthalate, a Chinese product called polyester. It is the largest variety of synthetic fiber at present. Generally, polyester fiber is very common in sportswear series. In fact, these are two kinds of materials. One is wool fabric and the other is fiber
From polyester yarn into soft soft suede fabric, that is, "flannel polyester fabric"".
Flannel: a transliteration of the English word "flannel", invented in England in eighteenth Century.With a soft woolen yarn made of textile and suede fabric. Originally meant a woolen fabric.