I heard they were made of corn starches. If so, wouldn't this be similar to the biofuel situation?Why aren't biodegradable plastics more commercially available?
Plastic is a carbon-based polymer made up of hydrogen-oxygen-carbon molecules called monomers.. These monomers adhere to each other readily and are not degradable except through uv radiation... yet they only break down into the monomers, not into their basic elements of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Synthetic-biodegradable plastics made with soy, corn starch ond other renewable substances are difficult to create because the monomers in these substances are extremely stable and do not readily adhere to each other. Lab work continues, yet to this day these synthetic plastics are expensive to produce.
Yes you are correct biodegradable plastics are made up of starch and not only corn starches. This is actually made because if at all we throw it here and there its becomes degradable without becoming a pollutant. It is not made commercial because creating starch inserting it in the plastics is not so easy. Give all you can to save the environment!!!!!
complex task. search onto yahoo or google. it may help!