can solar panels be on houses? malls?stores? WHAT ABOUT TRAINS?
Solar panel is an alternative source of energy. Solar panels are like plants, they take energy from sunlight. Only in solar panels, electricity is produced instead of oxygen. This electricity is used to power homes just like cable electricity.
Solar panels are an device that convert sun energy directly into electicity by photovoltaic effect,which is an physic and chemical panel can provide power for your home electical appliance instead of using electicity.
Solar Panels can be used anyway were the panels can get sunlight. Increase efficiency facing north in Australia. You can place them on a roof of a building, caravan, boat, train, bus etc plus you can put them on stands on the ground. Great for camping. You can connect them to the electricity grid or use standalone systems to generate all the power you need. Germany is the leader in solar power usage and Australia gets more sun then they do It makes sense that all Australian households should use solar.
Solar panels are, well panels that take solar energy from the sun, and use it as heat or electricity. It is used for many things but depending on the power of the sun and the panel, they can be used for trains,houses to heat them but you need a lot of sun, and they don't work without sun obviously.