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What are some 4x4 or awd (used) vehicles I should look for that are decent on gas?

It snows where I live and though they do plow the roads it still isn't safe to drive without chains/studded tires most of the time. I'd like a 4x4 or awd smallish suv or crossover (or even car?) that would be okay on gas. Any suggestions?


Neither. Speed limit signs are white. An orange sign is a recommendation, not a limit. The speed limit is not 15 mph on the whole road or on the humps. However, even though the limit is not 15, you should slow down to less than 15 at the humps, so that they do not damage your car.
Two things : Install two eye hooks, one on the hood cross member near the striker bar with a length of chain, and one on a bumper bracket. As you lower the hood, feed the chain through the opening between the bumper radiator and padlock it to the eye hook on the bumper bracket. This does not have to be large thick chain, some 5/16 coil chain is more than strong enough. And/or, install a digital surveillance camera either inside or outside your car. Get one that's motion activated. They are so cheap and versatile these days and use very little power. Have it with the warning light on or off. (903)
It means the Refining Fire of God dear. God is Love. God's intent is not to destroy us, but to purify us. Sometimes His method is akin to the intense heat of the refiners fire. Our response to the process is crucial.. We can either allow Him to work in our lives, cooperating in the removing that which is impure, or we can resist or rebel. Matthew 3:11 is referring to Zechariah 13-14, and Revelation 21. The process of refining metals is used in the Bible as a metaphor of Spiritual Purification. Refining is a process by which everything else ( trash ) is removed and only the pure metals remains. To His people, God sent the message of refinement through the Prophet Zechariah that He would refine them like silver and test them like gold ( Zechariah 13:9 ). That is painful, but look at the Promise from God ! They can call on My Name and I will answer them; I will say They are my people, and they will say, The Lord is my God.The Blessing will be ours. Don't resist or rebel against the Lord's Refining Fire. Learn from the tough times. Look for the way the Lord is using you. God is Love. God loved the world so much that He gave His One and Only Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have Eternal Life. John 3:16

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