Other than copper-zinc-aluminium, copper-aluminium-nickel and Nickel-titanium.
Lemon curd, cheesecake, custards in general, souffléseta: Oh also, a perfect lemon meringue pie from scratch is way harder than it seems.
The three main types of shape memory alloys are the copper-zinc-aluminium-nickel, copper-aluminium-nickel, and nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloys but SMAs can also be created by alloying zinc, copper, gold and ironNiTi alloys are generally more expensive and change from austenite to martensite upon cooling; Mf is the temperature at which the transition to martensite completes upon coolingAccordingly, during heating As and Af are the temperatures at which the transformation from martensite to austenite starts and finishesRepeated use of the shape memory effect may lead to a shift of the characteristic transformation temperatures (this effect is known as functional fatigue, as it is closely related with a change of microstructural and functional properties of the material).