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tips for better bench press?

what are some good supplements or tips for maxing out on bench. and dont say im too young for supplements either! im a 15, 5'9 and 170 lb middle linebacker/fullback. i can leg press about 550 and can only bench like 120 if that?! please help me!


Don't worry about it...your only 15...just keep reping.....i went from 95 to 200 pounds on bench my freshman year... i was about 6'0 and 160 pounds then
all your power comes from your legs but i can see why you would want to balance it out a little. talk to your strength teacher/ coach then do the recommended number of reps and sets. then do that twice a day every other day. try it see what happens
Do a lot of pushups, at least 500 a day, and also make sure you arent bending your arms at the wrist while lifting the weights.
lift with as much as you can probally 105lbs as many times as you can every day, and it will become easy after a few weeks if you stick with it. you have to put yourself out of your comfort zone to actually build muscle go to gnc and buy 10% whey protein
there isn't a supplement that will do what you are asking... just keep on practicing your bench, and don't neglect your back either! your back stabilizes your body during a heavy bench, so increasing your rowing weight will lead to a higher bench. but remember that bench press doesn't mean jack if you don't know what you are doing on the football field...remember you are training to be better at football, not better at bench pressing. also start squatting instead of leg pressing. most people can leg press a house but can't squat 135...

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