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What are the best vacuum cleaners on the market today? I've heard good things about the Dyson, how bout you?



I bought a Dyson DC15 Animal in March. Upon opening the shipping box I was terribly disappointed in the quality of the plastic used. Very soft and flimsy material everywhere. I contemplated at that point bringing it back to the store, but decided to give it a try. The noise is somewhat unsettling. My kids and wife did not like the high pitched sounds it made. Motor and exhaust sound levels are quite high. Despite the claims of easy stair cleaning, I found it quite clumsy. The mini turbine head is air powered, not electric, and has very little power for real cleaning. Its speed dropped considerably when applied to the carpet. It looks and sounds great while held up to watch, but its functionality is poor. The flexible plastic hose is flimsy and appears very low quality. I started vacuuming a small area of floor about 4 feet square. The canister filled quite quickly and needed to be emptied. It needed emptying a few more times after cleaning the entire upper floor. Next cleaning was the same, as well as the time after that. Clearly my carpet isn't that dirty! The canister was filling not with dirt, but with carpet fiber. I was literally vacuuming up my carpet. The DC15 was returned to the store for refund. After the hype and optimism I was terribly disappointed. I'm back to looking for a replacement for my 35 year old Electrolux.
I have a Dyson. It does work well. I love not having to change bags, but more then that the washable filter is priceless because my last vacuum (a Hoover upright canister vac) had a filter you were supposed to replace every three months. I never did because I could never find one to buy! I'm positive its performance (and my allergies) suffered because of it. The Dyson sucks (in a good way) like it claims, without losing suction, but it is still just a vacuum. If you have carpet in poor condition it's not going to magically fix it. It will however keep a newer or decent carpet well-maintained. I use mine at least once a week on very light beige carpet and I've owned it probably two years or so. My only complaint with the version I own (a Best Buy exclusive at the time) is that the vacuum head is bulky. To get under my bed or along under some built-ins you have to use the hose with the low profile head attached. It works fine, but having to switch is a hassle. I'd buy it again.
Yes. The Dyson is a good model. So to is the new Electrolux with the no-bag space for dust. Plus the filters that clean themselves. I think this model is a bit cheaper than the Dyson.We have 4 dogs, and our house can get really hairy at moulting time. We have had about 3 Vacuums so far. The Dyson is a bit pricy for us. The best Vacuum we have has been the cheapest. A Sanyo- $120NZ from the warehouse.Has a removable dust bag. That's the problem with many Vacuums. The paper bags are so expensive.But so long as it sucks well, it's a personal choice. Good Luck!
I've tried a Dyson before and it was awesome. I went online and started shopping for one when I found that people had many complaints about the Dyson. People have noted that the canister cracks easily and it is hard to replace. Then I started reading about the Bissell Healthy Home Vac and people were raving about it. I read more positive reviews about this vacuum than the Dyson. I bought one for $250 (plus tax) and it is amazing! I have two cats, one medium and one long haired. You would not believe how much hair it picks up each time I vacuum. I vacuumed my apartments popcorn ceiling because it catches the cat's hair and it was like I pulled 4 live cats of the the ceiliing. The hose is nice and long and there are a minimal amount of attachments. The best thing of all is that it is half the price of the Dyson. It also has a HEPA filtration system. It's fantastic and does just a good of a job as a Dyson, maybe better. If you search for Bissell Healthy Home you should find sites that sell it and there should be reviews about it as well. It's great and I love it.
I okorder for only 397.99. she swears by it but I still think the Miele is better. From what I hear, the Dyson is the best Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner Hands Down but the Miele S5 Series is the Best Vacuum Cleaner Hands Down. I would go with the Miele but if you are not a canister person (I owned an electrolux before my Miele so I have always been) the Dyson is a great vacuum especially the DC 18 because it is 5 pounds lighter than the rest.

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