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What are the building materials used in the construction of agricultural infrastructure?

What are the building materials used in the construction of agricultural infrastructure?


; decorative materials, including a variety of coatings, paint, coating, veneer, colored tiles, with special effects Glass, etc ; special materials that are used for waterproof, moisture, corrosion, fire Fugang Emperor cellar Gao Ji Dian Dian Ding crimson, fire, noise, heat insulation, sealing and so on Long-term construction materials, wind, rain, rain, wear, corrosion, etc, the performance will gradually change, the rational selection of building materials is essential, first of all should be safe and durable The amount of building materials is very large, directly affecting the cost of the project, usually the cost of building materials accounted for more than half of the total cost of the project, so when considering the technical performance, we must take into account the economy Development of building materials industry At present, China is already the world's largest producer and consumer of building materials The main building materials products cement, flat glass, architectural sanitary ceramics, stone and wall materials and other production for many years ranked first in the world At the same time, building materials, product quality continues to improve, energy and raw material consumption decreased year by year, a variety of new building materials continue to emerge, building materials products continue to upgrade "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" infrastructure investment has been chess to the plate, roads, railways and other infrastructure construction investment growth and the growth of ordinary civil construction investment, so that the construction industry is in the boom upstream stage
Structural materials include wood, bamboo, stone, cement, concrete, metal, brick, ceramic, glass, engineering plastics, composite materials, etc
Can be divided into structural materials, decorative materials and some special materials

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