What are the characteristics of hysteretic curves of steel supports
The anti S shape reflects more slip effects, and the shape of the hysteresis curve is not full, which indicates that the structure or the component ductility and the ability to absorb seismic energy is poor. For example, the hysteresis curves of the general frame, the Liang Zhu node and the shear wall are the same.The Z shape shows that the hysteresis curve is affected by a large number of slip and has the slip property. For example, the components with small shear span and oblique cracks can be fully developed, and the members of the anchor steel bars have large slip.
Hysteresis curveIt is shown that the shape of hysteresis curve is very full, which reflects the ability of plastic deformation of the whole structure or component. Such as bending, bias, bending and shearing failure of bending shear component, which has good plastic deformation ability of the steel frame structure or component P delta hysteretic curve is a spindle.The bow has the pinch effect, which shows that the hysteresis curve is affected by the slip. The shape of the hysteresis curve is full, but the full extent than the spindle should be low, reflecting the whole structure or component plastic deformation capacity is relatively strong, low cyclic loading tests of good performance, can better absorb seismic energy. For example, the shear span is relatively large, the shear force is small, and is equipped with a certain stirrup bending shear members and members of the bending and shear.
The load deformation curve of the structure is obtained under the action of cyclic forces. It reflects the deformation characteristics, stiffness degradation and energy consumption in the process of repeated stress, which is the basis for determining the restoring force model and nonlinear seismic response analysis. Restoring force curve (restoring force curve).There are four typical shapes of hysteretic curves of structures or components: shuttle shape, bow shape, inverse S shape and Z shape