Some common defects in steel rails include rail head wear, head checking, shelling, and surface cracks. Rail head wear occurs due to the constant friction between the train wheels and the rail, resulting in a decrease in the height and width of the rail head. Head checking refers to shallow cracks that develop on the rail head due to temperature fluctuations and stress. Shelling is the separation of layers within the rail head, weakening its structural integrity. Surface cracks are small cracks that can develop on the rail head or web, which if left unaddressed, can propagate and lead to more severe rail failures.
Some common defects in steel rails include fatigue cracks, head checks, wear, and rail squats. These defects can lead to reduced rail integrity and pose safety risks for trains. Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial to identify and address these issues promptly.
Some common defects in steel rails include fatigue cracks, head checks, squats, and weld failures.