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What are the common uses of plastic nets in agriculture?


Plastic nets are commonly used in agriculture for various purposes such as crop protection, shade provision, and support for climbing plants. They are used to create physical barriers to protect crops from pests, birds, or harsh weather conditions. Plastic nets also provide shade to delicate plants, preventing them from sunburn or excessive heat. Additionally, they are employed as trellises or support systems for climbing plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, or beans, aiding their growth and maximizing space utilization.
Plastic nets are commonly used in agriculture for various purposes such as crop protection, trellising, shade, and windbreaks. They provide a physical barrier against pests, birds, and insects, minimizing damage to crops. Plastic nets are also used for supporting and guiding plant growth, especially in vineyards and orchards, where they aid in proper fruit development and facilitate efficient harvesting. Additionally, plastic nets are utilized to create shade structures, reducing excessive sunlight exposure on delicate plants. They are also employed as windbreaks to shield crops from strong winds, preventing soil erosion and maintaining optimal growing conditions.
Plastic nets are commonly used in agriculture for various purposes such as crop protection from pests and birds, support for climbing plants, shade and sun protection, windbreaks, and erosion control.

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