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What are the downstream oil products

Which big brother knows what downstream products include? What products, which industries are related?


2, in the petroleum industry in the downstream business, refers to the upstream (for oil) refers to the exploration and development (oil refinery); in the middle and lower reaches of that (the refining of crude oil into gasoline, diesel oil, asphalt etc.), transportation (pipeline transportation, vehicle sales, etc.) (gas station etc.).
1, the oil refining industry is the crude oil through the oil refining process for a variety of petroleum products industry, the production of downstream products. Including oil refinery, petroleum refining research and design institutions, the main production equipment in the petroleum refinery are: crude oil distillation (atmospheric and vacuum distillation), thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, petroleum, coking and catalytic reforming of refinery gas processing, refined petroleum products, mainly the production of gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, lubricating oil, petroleum wax, petroleum asphalt, petroleum coke and various petroleum chemical raw materials.
Downstream products include gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, petroleum wax, petroleum asphalt, petroleum coke and various petrochemical raw materials.

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