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What are the energy efficiency grades of refrigerators?

What does the refrigerator energy efficiency rating mean? Is the higher the grade, the better, or the lower the better? Is there a high or low daily power consumption? What's the relationship between the two?


Energy efficiency rating: is that the energy efficiency rating is a classification method of household appliances energy efficiency level difference, in accordance with the national standards of the relevant provisions of China's energy efficiency labeling efficiency will be divided into five grades;Level 1 means that the power saving of the product has reached the international advanced level, and the energy consumption is lowest;
Energy efficiency level: it means that energy efficiency grade is a classification method to indicate the difference of energy efficiency between household appliances. According to the relevant regulations of national standard, the energy efficiency label of our country divides energy efficiency into five grades at present. Grade 1 said energy-saving products have reached the international advanced level, the lowest energy consumption level; 2 said product is energy-saving; Level 3 represents the average level of energy efficiency products for China market; level 4 product energy efficiency lower than the market average level; 5 is the market access indicators, production and sales are not allowed below the level required product.
Level 2 means that the product is more energy efficient;Level 3 indicates the average level of energy efficiency of our products in our market;Level 4 indicates that energy efficiency is below the market average;Level 5 is the product market access indicator, and products below this level are not permitted to be manufactured and sold.

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