What are the features of the CBN tool?
Because the CBN tool can be better than 0.4 m surface finish and maintain concentricity + 0.012mm, Dry Turning Hardened workpiece is usually a dirty alternative attractive strengthening grinding cooling scheme. Although CBN is a kind of tool material which is hard to be used in high speed and high speed milling, the range of application of ceramic and CBN is very much, so it is necessary to use cost benefit analysis to decide who can get the best result.
The low CBN material grades are more brittle than the CBN ones, but they are better used for hardening ferrous metals. They have lower thermal conductivity and relatively higher compressive strength under high speed cutting and negative rake angles. The cutting zone has a higher temperature to soften the workpiece material and help to break the chip, while the negative rake angle strengthens the cutting tool, so that the cutting edge is stable, the tool life is improved, and the cutting depth is smaller than 0.25mm.
The proper customization of the specified process includes the rigidity of the machine tool and fixture, the sharpening of the blade is large enough to prevent the micro exfoliation, and the base of the cutter is a kind of material with high CBN content. High CBN levels are necessary for these specified processes, since they have high thermal conductivity and toughness required for high speed machining under the condition of heavy cutting edges, as well as for severe intermittent cutting. These properties make the tool material this material grade is used as rough machining of hardened steel and gray cast iron.