What are the odds of getting struck by a lightning while masturbating?
It's a bit too homeworky for a full answer, but the principles are: If it needs to use air pressure or aerodynamics to work, it won't. If not, it will. The gravity bit is a red herring; all planets have gravity.
Gee, maybe it was the fact that out in the middle of nowhere, lightening will strike the tallest conductive material it can locate. The fact that your family did NOT put up a grounded lightening pole in the yard not attached to the house electrical source could be why it kept hitting the aerial instead.
If you think it's the bones and metaphysics causing this, you can go to the Mytholgy and folklore section under Society and CUlture. If it's not because your house was tall and pointy, it might be the humidity in the air. A lack of moisture can cause static electricity to gather quickly, dry environments ecetra ecetra Or it may be the artifacts in the ground, alot of metals maybe since they conduct electricity and all. But I've not heard of any proven theories regarding the frequency of lightning contacts relation to metals in the ground, so you have to figure this one out yourself
since your house was the tallest thing that conducts elecricity in that area(middle of nowhere) it got hit alot. the bones have nothing to do with it, but thats prety scary living in a house with ancient bones and gets hit by lightning all the time lol. should be in some scary movie
electricity is the lazyest thing i know besides me.your house being the sole taget for its path to ground would explain a large part of it.on the other hand the bones do play a part also.native people drew towards energetic locations for cerimonies and such,the house being built on a magnetic hot spot would cause the other part of this answer.so no lightning rod, closest path to ground, and built on a magnetic hot spot this would cause your phenomenom.hope this helps.by the way get a lightning rod.