What are the original, laptop power adapter marked 90W 20V, is not the maximum notebook is 90W power consumption?
90W for the adapter maximum output power This is mainly related to your notebook's circuit load
Notebooks are generally the attack, if the graphics card is too high to reach 180w, laptop like desktop power consumption so you think the battery can toss how long? An Ups can only keep a typical configuration of the desktop for 15 minutes
Basically your understanding is correct. If the power of more than 90W will overload, and will be damaged. The manufacturer is not going to have this low-level error.
Take the power now high point of the notebook, CPU40W, graphics 30W, screen 15W, hard drive 5W, the other is no power of the components, and 90W enough! Of course, the exclusion of individual metamorphosis version of the high-power notebook, huh, huh