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What are the specific labor protection products?

What are the specific labor protection products?


(1) head protection: wearing helmets / helmets, etc., for the existence of environmental risk of falling objects; the existence of the risk of objects hit the environment. (2) attached to the protection: a good seat belt, apply to the need to climb when (2 meters below); there is the risk of falling. (3) Eye protection: Wear protective goggles, goggles or masks for use in the presence of dust, gas, vapor, fog, smoke or fries to stimulate the eyes or face when wearing safety glasses, chemical goggles or masks (need to consider the whole eye And face protection at the same time); welding operations, wear worn with protective goggles and masks. (4) hand protection: wear anti-cutting, anti-corrosion, anti-penetration, insulation, insulation, insulation, anti-skid and other gloves, may touch the sharp objects or rough surface, anti-cutting; may contact with chemicals, Corrosion, anti-chemical penetration of protective equipment; may contact with high temperature or low temperature surface, do insulation protection; may contact with the body, the choice of insulation protective equipment; may contact the slippery or slippery surface, the choice of non-slip protective equipment, such as Anti-skid shoes and so on.
(5) foot protection: wear anti-smashing, anti-corrosion, anti-penetration, anti-skid, fire protection shoes, suitable for objects where the object can be smashed, to wear anti-smashing protective shoes; may contact chemical liquid operating environment To prevent chemical liquids; pay attention to shoes in a particular environment to wear non-slip or insulated or fireproof. (6) protective clothing: insulation, waterproof, anti-chemical corrosion, fire-retardant, anti-static, anti-ray, etc., suitable for high temperature or low temperature operation to be able to heat; wet or immersion environment to be waterproof; may contact chemical liquid to have chemical protection Use; in special circumstances pay attention to flame retardant, anti-static, anti-ray and so on. Labor protection products, refers to the protection of workers in the production process of personal safety and health necessary for a defensive equipment, to reduce occupational hazards play a very important role. (7) hearing protection: According to the "industrial enterprise workers hearing protection norms" selected ear protection device; provide appropriate communication equipment. (8) respiratory protection: according to GB / T18664-2002 "respiratory protection supplies selection, use and maintenance" selection. To consider whether the lack of oxygen, whether flammable and explosive gases, whether there is air pollution, type, characteristics and concentration and other factors, select the appropriate respiratory protection products.
Different types of work, labor protection supplies are also different. Common are: uniforms, gloves, helmets, masks, gloves, labor insurance shoes, glasses. The The The The The To see what kind of work you are.

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