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What are the step you should take when you're caught in a fire?

What are the step you should take when you're caught in a fire?


I thought we had determined earlier that he was fired for a breach of the dress code and tried to pull the flag pin thing to garner the support of people like you. When you posted this in R+S 20 minutes ago.
No, they won't. If anything, a soldier would want to know why some moron didn't follow the order of his superior.
You must obey the rules wherever you work or you will not be employed there. It's that simple.
Call the cops and ask them if there is anything you can do. It is all depended on where you live (the city) Some communities have a no parking rule after different hours or street sweeping days. Maybe you can get them for that.. Some cities have a no parking more than 48 hours on the street or it will be cited or towed. Good luck
If he can wear his god pin, what about when a wican wants to wear a pentagram? They have this policy for a reason.

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