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What are the steps to cooking a 12 pound turkey?

-How long do i cok it, and at what degrees?-Do i need to put a lid over it?-Do i need to put water in the bottom of the pan, and how much?-Do i need to turn the turkey half way through cooking or anything like that?thanks!


Go onto a girly site, like Tampax or Dove or something embarrassing like that and send his house free samples under his name.
I live in this little Development type thing and me and my friends do pranks all the timeHere's some ideas -Spray axe(Cologne) in his yard, so the grass dies-Ding dong ditch him-Spoon his yard.(stick like 40 spoons in his lawn) -T.PHis whole yard-Write really funny and stupid stuff in his driveway with chalk or window paint-Fill his mailbox with different nasty foods-If there car is parked outside, write something really funny on the back of his car with window paint or something-Take a picture of something in his yard and put it on craigslist and put there address.
Are you kidding? Don't torment this kidHe is probably miserable enough knowing that all of you hate himYou should think about the consequences of your actionsThis kid could snap and bring a gun to school and pull a Columbine or something! Seriously - you don't have to like him, but for crying out loud don't torture him.
(if u are 16) some how get his key from his car and turn his music ALL the way up then watch and laugh2 break an egg under his car seat at first it won;t be funny then after a week or so his car will stink and stink untill he figures out what the smell is!!
A 12lb turkey should take approximately 3 hours to cook I would cover in aluminium foil and ensure that the turkey has a good coating of butter rubbed into the skin to ensure the turkey does not dry out, and baste (pour the melted butter and juices) over the turkey during the cook time No you do not need to turn the turkey Enjoy!!

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