good things and bad things about it
The atoms are so small, they will actually migrate through the walls of containers so, fuel tanks will have to be refilled more often than with gasoline. It needs to be frozen for any kind of convenient storage and that takes a lot of energy and the insulation for storage is bulky and possibly heavy. There is not now a network for distribution of hydrogen the way there is for petroleum. It takes more energy to separate from water and to liquefy that it produces in a car engine. Good It is in never ending supply. Emissions are pure water vapor, so there is really no pollution involved. It burns easily causing no problems in engineering an ignition system.
Good Things About Hydrogen
Pros: -Hydrogen fuel cells only emit water vapor, no CO2 emissions. If hydrogen is obtained through electrolysis by renewable energy, it is 100% clean. -Hydrogen can be refueled quickly just like gasoline -It is the most abundant element on the planet -Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can get up to 480 miles on one tank (the Toyota FCHV). Also the Honda FCX gets 270 miles on one tank. -Hydrogen is twice as efficient as gasoline, so even though it costs $6.98 per kg, its the equivalent to $3.49 per gallon of gasoline Cons -There is no hydrogen infrastructure, not enough refueling stations -The vehicles are only available for lease through Honda, but not purchase through anyone just yet -Electrolysis is the least efficient way of obtaining hydrogen -Even though its the most abundant element, its always attached to something, example H20.
How do u advise they foll your tank. If u had tried to apply it and it flashed returned into the tank it might desire to blow away the carry block. The tank can no longer have any oxygen in it. Hydrogen is the main explosive gas on earth.
hydrogen twice as efficient as gasoline? lol i wonder what efficiency means there. according to all data ive seem there is no real advantage to either one from a thermal efficiency standpoint. pro -very clean/exhaust non toxic mostly -can be made from plentiful things like water -relatively resistant to knock no matter what. cons -low calorific value -corrosive when its burning to pistons, liners, valves etc. -harder to store -more expensive -poor power out put compared to gasoline