I had a doctor who was suspicious of me having a heart valve problem. I don't want to be on medication for the rest of my life. I only want to change my diet, pray, exercise, and meditate. I don't believe the doctor has that cure for that problem that's if it was a heart valve problem.
It depends on what sort of heart valve problem you have, how bad it is, and how bad the symptoms are. Sometimes you don't need to do anything special except watch the diet and lifestyle, sometimes you need medicine, and sometimes the cure is surgical repair or replacement of the valve. I think prayer is a fine thing to help, but the Lord also gave us the skills so doctors could provide something a little more physical. If your heart valve problem is bad enough, it can cause damage to your heart and the rest of your body that all the prayer, diet, exercise and meditation in the world won't help fix. However, as a patient, it's always your decision if you want to take the doctor's advice or not. Otherwise you could find yourself dead, and explaining to God why you chose not to take the help He provided for you. So before you go making any decisions, you need to wait until you find out what the entire story is. Then weigh up all your options carefully,and decide.