She has never done this. But this is the third time this week. I don't know what to do. Her psychiatrist didn't help. I need this to stop. Help
Let the police know to be safe
If the lady recorded your plate and turns you in, technically you can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and liable for all costs associated with repairing the damaged hydrant. But unless there's water spraying all over the place from the hydrant, and since your car only got a scratch on the paint, the hydrant is probably fine. It might just lean a little bit now. I think you're going to be OK.
I'm not sure. I think each race is targeted a lot. Like people are calling Asians people who fraud, and copy all products here, and people say that natives drink a lot of alcahol, and that white people molest animals and people all the time. None of the above are true. I don't consider myself to be racist, but I just wanted to voice my opinion. Have a good day! :)
LMAO lay low. Thats what you do. But if you really damaged the hydrant you would know it.
It is up to you in what to do. If the hydrant is damaged the city will get money from you to pay for the repair cost a long with other fines possibly.