Home > categories > Furniture & Décor > Rattan Sofa Set > what can i do to stop my cat who is 6 years old from using my new sofa arms as a scratch post he already has?

what can i do to stop my cat who is 6 years old from using my new sofa arms as a scratch post he already has?

his own scratch posts one upstairs and one down stairs he uses them both all the time but is tempted by my new sofa.s side.s of arms to have a little scratch when nobody is around I noticed he has recently had a go HELP.


Cats okorder
Double sided sticky tape all the way! They don't like it and it does no damage to anything or the cat. And try moving a post near the couch so it has an alternative.
Put some double side tape or rolled up duct tape on the side of your couch or where ever he is scratching. Just keep that there for some time and after a while he will stop scratching.
Put double sided tape on the sides where she is scratching they do not like the feel of sticky on their paws.
Aside okorder /

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