What Catholic priest first harnessed eletricity for mankind through a lightning rod?
go to a marine store, west marine, boaters world, whatever. ask for the manager, ask him if he or if he knows of an employee that has built a small boat because i guarantee it was finished with EPOXY RESIN and FIBERGLASS CLOTH. the price of the resin and cloth will pale with the amount of time you will put into building a sturdy boat that will now last you a life time. fiberglass is easy..(once you learn the basics) go to youtube and watch people doing fiberglass work. once it's on and lightly sanded and varnished it looks like bare varnished wood.
You cannot make him see anything. Stay away from insulting her in front of him, because it will make you look bad and not very attractive.. This girl seems like a user and an attention whore. She is not at all interested in the guy you like, but she craves the attention he gives her. He pumps up her ego. If he is too blind or stupid to see that she is toying with him for her own purposes then there is nothing you can do to make him see it. Sorry but he sounds kind of misguided and immature as well. Why is he hanging around this girl's relationship waiting for a crumb to be thrown his way. Maybe you need to find a real man who has his head screwed on straight.