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What causes a laptop power cable to be loose?

Sometimes I have to jiggle the chord or plug it in the right position to get the laptop to be charged. At first, I thought it was the power cable, but after buying a new one, I still have the same problem. Any suggestions as to what causes this and how to fix it?


Pulling on the cable will cause the jack to become deformed, and cause poor connections. You will have to replace the jack. On some laptops, it is an internal plug in module that is easy to replace, on others it is soldered to the motherboard, a much more expensive repair....
the only element you do no longer point out is that if the output is AC or DC. If the connectors are the comparable length, as a ways because of the fact the specs pass, evidently like it is going to paintings. How do you tell if this is AC or DC? Many capability adapters in simple terms say it (AC/DC) with the output archives. If yours does, you in trouble-free terms did no longer positioned it on your post. If it would not say, you should seek for a logo. the logo for DC is 3 dots with a good line section over the three dots. For AC you get a tilde (wave image) over the three dots. The pc furnish is definitely is DC. as long because of the fact the different is DC additionally, then pass forward. in case you do no longer see any image, you may desire to obtain a digital meter which will inform you for helpful. good luck.
The power jack internal to the laptop, is probably faulty, not the cable. If your laptop is under warranty I would look at filing a claim to get it fixed.

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