Cookware Crockery Money, Weapons, Art, Ceremony, Decorations, Tools, Furniture ,Mirror ..... 1 First Bronze Age, from the Shang to the Han dynasties, focused on the Cult of the Dead 2.the Second Bronze Age the Han dynasty focused on the Celebration of the Living. The production of bronze by mixing copper and tin was an established practice by about 1500 BC throughout the Eurasian landmass. By then tin ores and copper ores were being smelted together to produce what was recognized as a superior form of copper-more fluid when hot and harder when cold. Bronze was easier to cast than copper and produced better tools, weapons, and art.
The Hittites were one of the first cultures of the ancient world to use copper for weapons such as swords,sheilds,and spear heads and over time,the Ancient Egyptians used it too till they discovered that steel was harder and more durable instead.
I think the copper age began at around 4300 BC. People used it for war and tools until circa 3200 BC, when bronze was founded. Bronze is made from 8 part copper and 1 part tin. It is a useful alloy.
gah copper age, check wikipedia for that 4000BC? they used ti for eating and cooking utensils, weapons and ornaments, cooper is very maeleable so its easily shaped,but it is not very strong