What do carbon products include?
High power electrode and ultra high power electrode. The carbon block can be divided into blast furnace carbon block, aluminum carbon block and electric furnace block. Carbon products can be divided into carbon products, graphite products, carbon fibers and graphite fibers according to the depth of processing. Carbon products can be divided into graphite products, carbon products, carbon fibers and special graphite products according to the raw materials and the production process. Carbon products according to their ash content, and can be divided into multi gray products and less ash products (including ash below l%).
Carbon products can be divided into graphite electrode, carbon block, graphite anode, carbon electrode, paste, electric carbon, carbon fiber, special graphite, graphite heat exchanger and so on according to the use of products. Graphite electrode class can be divided into ordinary power graphite electrode according to the allowable current density.
Carbon and graphite materials are mainly carbon based non-metallic solid materials, in which carbon material is basically composed of non graphitic carbon material, and graphite material is basically composed of graphite carbon material. For the sake of simplicity, carbon and graphite materials are sometimes referred to as carbon materials (or carbon materials).